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Gema Diaz 08-14-2012 8:56:30 PM CST Hola me llamo Gema y soy de Lubbock, TX. No hay muchas muchachas que le gusta la charreria o montar caballo y no hay equipos por aqui cerca. Me gustaria formar un equipo aqui en Lubbock y necesito muchachas que quisieran participar. Favor de dejarme un mensaje si quieren formar de este equipo.
lily babydukejmz@yahoo.com 08-06-2012 4:12:20 PM CST hola!
Gary Bonner cprtexas@cs.com 07-26-2012 8:28:37 PM CST We are inviting all Escaramuza Teams to compete at Super Ride XI in Lindale Texas, June of 2013. The 11th Super Ride competition will include an International Escaramuza Competition provided enough teams commit to the event. We are inviting Teams from all NATIONS to come to Lindale for a week of family competition and events. For more information: cprtexas@cs.com
REGIONAL 2012 RESULTADOS 07-25-2012 10:23:51 AM CST FERIA DE ESCARAMUZA: 1er Coronelas 344pts ; 2do Guadalupana 305.5pts ; 3er Amazonas 289.5pts CAMPEONA DE CAMPEONAS: 1-Coronelas, 2-Guadalupana, 3-Amazonas
REGIONAL 2012 07-25-2012 10:20:19 AM CST Gracias a los 5 equipos participantes que apoyaron a la SEDE Astolfo Maldonado en le Lienzo Charro El Alto este Domingo Julio 22. Fueron muy pocas las participantes y como organizacion dejamos muy decepcionado a la SEDE y con mucho que desear. Gracias a Guadalupana, Rancheras, Amazonas, Coronelas & El Rosario por su espiritu deportivo, passion y fidelidad al deporte. Sabemos cuan dificil es y ustedes se han esforzado hasta terminar la carrera, felicidades.
Escaramuza 07-21-2012 9:51:51 AM CST Toda la informacion la encuentras en esta pajina solo ve al Itinerario Regional 2012 ahi encontaras toda la informacion de este evento.
Sie estas en la zona norte busca a Sulema Canales y si estas en la zona sur a Cecili Alvares o la delegada Beatriz Flores mas informacion la encuentras en la mesa directiva.
PPP 07-20-2012 5:54:29 PM CST Hola, acabo de llegar a USA y llevo toda mi vida montando en escaramuzas y buscando informacion; encontre este sitio. Veo que el regional es este fin de semana, alguien me puede decir en donde es y en que horario??? gracias y saludos a todas.
Randy Janssen 07-19-2012 5:19:45 AM CST Finally saw 2 piales caught yesterday, on DecHarros.com. Probably more caught, but I did not see them. Piales is catching the back legs of a running mare, and bring it to a stop. You have to let the rope pass around the horn. The smoke from the saddle horn is impressive. You have to let the rope pass through your hand slow enough to bring the horse to a stop, but not so slow as to make the horse fall. If you grab the rope too hard, you can have your hand pulled into the saddle horn. In that case you can lose a thumb or fingers. They say, you can tell a real pialeador, by shaking his right hand.
The Escaramuzas at 12, put on great exhibitions. Both teams scored over 300. One of the bull riders bucked out backwards. One of the mangladors lost 3 points, because the horse left the wall when he dropped it. He made a good catch on his next try.
Paso de Muerte, is when you jump from your galloping horse onto a bucking mare, which is just that, the horse with no means of control. The mare is being pushed by three helpers. You have to ride the mare until you can get off without falling. You can get extra points if you grab the ear or you swing your leg over the horse’s head. You also can get killed if you miss hit the wall and are trampled by the three horses pushing the mare. In the first paso, the rider jumped, but was a little too far from the mare. He tilted to the left, but somehow he got up and rode the horse until he got off. I was sure he would fall.
Don’t miss more Charreada, on DeCharros.com at 12, 4 and 8.
Randy Janssen 07-17-2012 6:22:58 AM CST I have seen 18 horses roped during the Charreadas on DeCharros.com. I probably could have seen more, but last night my wife took over the TV to watch the Scarlet Pimpernel. (I have to admit Merle Oberon was beautiful) Getting back to Charreada, all of the roped horses got up and trotted away. This is contrary to the AR fanatics propaganda, that most of the horses used in mangana die.
Of course, now it has been proven that the horses a not physically hurt, their complaint is that the horses suffer from some type of horsey PTSD. Yet if you think about it, being chased and knocked down is of what a horse expects from life. After they a knocked down and they get up, they look proud. All of them hold their heads up, some stick their tails out. They even prance. I am not into horse body language like some, but they don’t look depressed to me.
If you want to see what I mean, watch DeCharros.com at 12, 4 and 8
Randy Janssen 07-16-2012 5:21:01 AM CST Saw a great Escaramuza, called Pinotepa , on DeCharros.com, yesterday. They did a transition from a Cross to an Escalera that was very exciting. Also they had a move from a Gero, to a Cross, that would knock your socks off. Too bad, but no piales caught in the same Charreada. As expected the florero was great.
I spoke too soon in my post yesterday; a mangalador was hit by a horse. He was down for a while, but then he got up and finished the suerte. One tough guy. There were a few glitches when the internet, lost the transmission of the third terna. Can’t really complain though. I was watching on a 50 inch TV while sitting on my own couch. After so many cement benches, this is great.
Randy Janssen 07-14-2012 5:28:34 AM CST I watched the live broadcast of Charreada on DeCharros.com. As they said, it was a test, so there were some glitches. All and all, it was pretty good. Like most Charreada, there were dead spots that should be tightened up. That is because the competition in being held in a soccer arena with a temporary Lienzo. If you have never seen Charreada, you should watch. For those of you who are Animal Rights advocates, you will be able to see, that the animals might get bounced around a little, but then they get up and trot away. You will see that livestock are not pets. They are pretty tough. Remember, before we had cars, horses, were the primary mode of transportation. They pulled the guns for Lee and Grant, the hunted with the Sioux and Cheyenne. They Charred with Villa. I admire their strength and it really pisses me off when the AR fanatics make them out to be wimps.
Sol Azteca 07-12-2012 5:18:38 PM CST  Everyone come out and celebrate with Sol Azteca at Los Toreros Night Club in Denton, Tx!! July 27th baile starts at 10pm. 2900 Wind River LN. Suite 134, Denton, Texas 76210. Hope to see everyone there!!!
Randy Janssen 07-05-2012 12:48:13 PM CST A Charro competition, named “Triangulo de el Sur”, will be broadcast live on decharros dot com. It starts on July 13 and will run until July 22. It will be announced in both English and Spanish. Please support Charreria by watching.
Beatriz Adriana Briones 06-22-2012 11:11:04 AM CST  My website is up and running. I am still adding pictures. All escaramusa pictures from Estatal are up. A few videos are also ready
Mi sitio web esta funcionando. Todavia estoy agregando fotos pero todas las fotos de escaramusa del Estatal ya estan listas. Varios videos tambien ya estan listos
Margarita Medina (San Antonio ) 06-22-2012 10:50:50 AM CST X favor nesecito hablar c/ ud.soy Elsa Carrasco (d' Coronelas Ft. worth) mi # 817 559 3824
Escaramuza 06-21-2012 8:39:09 AM CST Felicidades a nuestras delegada y sub-delegada en el nacimiento de un charrito y una escaramuzita FELICIDADES!!!!
Escaramuza 06-15-2012 7:23:29 AM CST Kelly la tabla de calificaciones esta ahora con las calificaciones que sacaron en los Estatales ya de ahi depende que calificaciones saquen en los regionales de eso depende que ahi se quedan que suban o bajen. Suerte !!!!!!
brisania maldonado laperra51@Yahoo.com 06-13-2012 2:22:22 AM CST Hello. Im selling a horse made for escaramuza, really good horse. Es llegua, I only want $700. :) call me or message me. 4694631910
kelly santillan 06-08-2012 3:16:24 PM CST solo kiero saver si los ultimos tres ekipos de scaramuza k sacaron mas de 295 tienes k hacer mas de eso en el regional, para poder concerbar su lugar para el nacional? si alguien me puede sacar de dudas!
ORGULLO MEXICANO nenadiaze@hotmail.com 06-08-2012 1:15:04 AM CST  Para La Escaramuza Orgullo Mexicano & Infantil fue un verdadero HOnor visitar al Sr. Rosalio Medina para hacerle entrega de un peque?o presente a nombre de ESCARAMUZAS DE TEXAS 2012...
xochitl davis xcdavis@me.com 06-05-2012 2:29:53 PM CST  FOR SALE, Ladies side saddle/alvarda, completely refurbished, did not use after it was refurbished, blanket also. please email me at xcdavis@me.com to see more. asking $250
RIFA ESTATAL 2012 06-01-2012 4:22:34 PM CST Perdon por la demora de info respecto Estatal, gracias por toda su PACIENCIA. Los equipos con los boletos ganadores fueron informados inmediatamente. Las ganadoras de los premios son tal: 32"TV BOLETO#160 de Equipo Orgullo Mexicano Infantil para Esperanza Ibarra. IPAD2 BOLETO#644 de Equipo Espuelas de S.A. para Letty Ozuna. FELICIDADES!!!
ESTATAL 2012 06-01-2012 4:14:32 PM CST CATEGORIA INFANTIL: Muchas Muchas Felicidades a Orgullo Mexicano Infantil de San Antonio Texas que lograron una calificacion de 143pts y que ademas de ser Campeonas Estatales tambien son las unicas representantes en categoria Infantil en TODO U.S.A.!!!! Felicidades chicas, nos estan averiguando que tenemos que hacer para obtener nuestro pase al Nacional Mexico, yo les apoyo en lo que sea necesario.
ESTATAL 2012 06-01-2012 4:06:07 PM CST  FELICIDADES A LAS GANADORAS DE ESTE CONGRESO ESTATAL 2012!!! 1er Lugar: Sol Azteca 334.5 - 2ndo Lugar: Coronelas 321.5 - 3er Lugar: Orgullo Mexicano 299.0
Escaramuza 05-31-2012 9:35:49 AM CST Felicidades a La Escaramuza Sol Azteca de Denton TX, las esperamos en mexico y que sigan los triunfos, se lo tenian muy bien meresido.